Classes have returned at: Follow the Insanity at: Join the CULT: Class Notes: What is the A+ -Certification from CompTIA -Vendor Neutral Certification for Desktop Support -NOT a requirement for MS or Cisco certs What’s the A+ For? -Basic PC Maintenance and configuration -Desktop Support Jobs -Field Techs Jobs - ISP Technicians, etc Should You Get the A+ -12 months of experience -If You're a Teenager -For Government Contracts -For Coders to Prove Hardware Knowledge -Desktop Technicians -Field Techs A+ Requirements -2 Tests -CompTIA A+ 220-901 and 220-902 -901 - PC Hardware, Peripherals, Mobile Hardware, Networking Hardware Troubleshooting -902 - Installing and configuring Operating Systems.  Windows, OS X, Linux, Android -Up to 90 questions per exam -90 minutes per exam -Pass 220-901 - 675 out of 900 -Pass 220-902 - 700 out of 900 -$211 per test Self Study -Don’t pay for A+ Training… -Mike Myers - CompTIA A+ Certification -Buy and build your own PC -Trial and Free software NOT Pirated Software ETCG Track -Will go over the overall topics, but generally not get into how many pins are on a certain CPU. -Will not be enough to pass test alone. Final Thoughts -Learn the material, but don’t take the tests -TESTS TAKE A LOT OF WORK MCSA for Windows 10 is far better than A+ (2 tests also) -